Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)


At St. Isidore Church we have year round RCIA Sessions and continuous intake for those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church, with an option for reception into the church when the time is right.


The un-baptized, and/or baptized but un-catechized enjoy a very minimum of a full year of faith formation and catechesis through prayer, study, reflection, action and Christian mentoring.


The baptized catechized person still enjoys all of the benefits of the R.C.I.A. Process but the duration in these periods are determined according to their specific needs. No more “one size fits all!” They can be received into the church throughout the year.


The Holy Spirit moves the hearts of us all in different ways, and at different times. Our model of RCIA stresses conversion while allowing sufficient time for catechesis as well.

The extended time for formation and more flexibility in the process also allows for a more complete integration into the life of the parish.


Anyone interested in learning more about the RCIA Process should contact Sr. Katherine at sisterkatherine7@gmail.com or call the parish office at 517-651-6722.